Please note: Each talk lasts five minutes.
Jennifer Alix-Garcia
A big releaf: Large-scale forest restoration in Brazil
Anna Boser
Downscaling remote sensing data using deep learning
Andrew Dickinson (canceled)
PM 2.5 prediction
Joel Ferguson
A new approach to measuring the wealth of nations: understanding long-run economic growth using historical aerial photographs
Jacob Gellman
Property insurance markets and climate change adaptation
Dylan Hogan
The global water resource costs of agricultural adaptation to climate change
Suhyun Jung
The value of information from the use of satellite earth observation for mangrove management
Tracey Mangin
stagg: A data pre-processing R package for climate impacts analysis
Prakash Mishra
Trade liberalization and resource extraction in the presence of market power
Frederik Noack
The impact of multinational firms on the environment
Please contact Ed Rubin with any additional questions.