We're aiming to focus TWEEDS on the tools, methods and data that are relevant to environmental economics/policy/science/studies. In most conferences, you give a quick nod to your data and methods (and ignore the tools). In this workshop, we want to focus on the tools, methods, and data that make research possible.
We're hoping that this focus leads us to many conversations (e.g., workflow, visualization, technique, reproducibility) that are less common in more "traditional" conferences.
$75 for students; $250 for everyone else.
Probably not this year, but we're open to suggestions!
Yes! Please apply to present. We're really hoping to feature these types of presentations.
Emphatically: Yes! We really want TWEEDS to bring together a diverse group of people working on topics related to the environment, data science, and/or economics.
Certainly! Please apply. However, if we run out of space, we will likely give preference to applicants who are willing to present.
Full presentations will last 20–30 minutes (TBD). Lightning talks will last 5 minutes.
We hope to offer several modest fellowships for individual who demonstrate need or who come from historically under-represented groups. Apply through the normal application page. See the logistics page for more information about lodging and food (including discounted rates for nearby hotels).
Annually. (With your help)
Ed. Someone proposed Practicum in Environmental Economics and Data Science, but we decided to go in a different direction.
Please contact Ed Rubin with any additional questions.